
After installation of the device, execute the following tests before the wheelchair is delivered or put into service, in according order:

Warning: Changes in parameter settings may cause damage to the device or power chair, or may cause injury to people.
CAUTION: Always change parameters and test the outcome without anyone sitting in the power chair.
  1. Connect the Multi Swing 2G motor unit to the wheelchair battery with the XLR cable.
  2. Connect a button to the Multi Swing 2G motor unit (red input jack).
  3. Push the button: if you haven't changed the default settings (see ), then pressing that button will open/close the arm momentary.
  4. Check the following things:
    1. Is the arm moving in accordance with the default settings.
    2. Can the arm move freely without hindering any wheelchair item or cable?
    3. Can the arm move without hindering a person in the wheelchair?
    4. Can all cables move freely while being securely attached?
  5. If needed, adjust the positioning of the arm and Multi Swing 2G unit and secure functioning.
    Warning: Disconnect the Multi Swing 2G motor unit from the power source to avoid any unwanted movement.
  6. Check that all screws are firmly secured.
    CAUTION: Any connection must always be secured with all delivered screws. Only use the screws provided in the package.
    CAUTION: Do not tighten the screws with excessive force.