The mo-vis Configurator Software must be installed and ready to use on a PC.
Note: Always make sure that you have downloaded the latest version of the Configurator Software on the mo-vis website:
After downloading, a shortcut with the Configurator icon is placed on the desktop. You can also find the Configurator Software in the Windows Start menu of your computer.
Note: If an earlier version is already installed on your computer, downloading the Configurator Software will automatically delete the old and install the new version.
Starting up
Double click on the Configurator icon on your desktop to start the Configurator Software. The Configurator window opens.
Enter your login and password.
Connect the mo-vis device to the PC using a USB cable (depending on the device).
A COM port is created and is visible in the Configurator window, but will still show the status Disconnected.
Changing the language
Go to View > Language and select the language your prefer (English, Dutch, French or German). This will change the language of the configurator, but also the language of the description of the device's parameters.
Changing the access level
The login you have received from mo-vis determines what your highest access level is. You will start up in this level. You can can downgrade your access level (e.g. dealer wants to see which settings user has access to): Tools > Access Level and choose the desired level.
Note: You will only see your highest allowed access level and the lower levels. For access to higher levels, please contact mo-vis.
Checking the version
Go to Help > About to see the version of the Configurator Software in use.
Connecting the device
There are two different ways to establish a connection:
Click on the Connect icon in the icon bar
Go to File > Connect
To disconnect, click on the same icon or go to File > Disconnect.
Note: Make sure the device gets power and is not in 'sleep mode'. You will receive this error message, when this is not the case:
Please refer to the manual of the connected device when it is in sleep mode. After, try to connect again.
Note: It is possible to connect multiple mo-vis devices simultaneously and to view and compare their general information, details and parameter settings.
Quitting the software
To close the Configurator Software, choose File > Quit or click on the X of the window.
Note: If you quit the software by click on the X of the window, without storing the changes in the device first, the software will automatically ask you if you want to save your changes before closing.