Omni Joystick Connection


A mo-vis Omni Joystick has a cable with a SUB D9 connector and a 3.5 mm jack connection. They can be plugged in directly to the electronics of the wheelchair. The joystick then controls the wheelchair in all its functions (driving, electric gears, lights …).


The Omni Joystick allows you to connect to a wheelchair with a Curtiss-Wright Omni or Omni2 display.

Optional mo-vis adapters allow you to connect the Omni Joystick to a wheelchair with:
  • DX: Joystick Interface Omni-DX (P002-31)
  • Easy Rider: Joystick Adapter Omni-Easy Rider (M002-90)
  • Otto Bock Curtis electronics: Joystick Interface Omni-Otto Bock Curtis (P002-37)
Note: Third-party adapters might also be compatible with the mo-vis Omni Joysticks.


The Omni Joystick Connection is an integrated part of a mo-vis Omni Joystick and consists of:
  • Omni (SUB D9) connector with cable
  • 3.5 mm mono jack out with cable

LED status

The illumination of the LED on the joystick interface indicates the operational status of the joystick.

Joystick status Tilt parameter Joystick tilted LED status
Operational Enabled N LED on
Operational Enabled Y LED flashes as heartbeat
Operational Disabled Y LED on
Operational Disabled N LED on
Error X X Flash the error code

Error codes


When a fault occurs, the LED of the mo-vis Omni Joystick will start to flash. A long delay is followed by a number of flashes with a short delay The error message depends on the connection type. Count the number of flases and look up the according error message in the table below:

Flash count Reason Required action
1 - -
2 Connection cable/driver issues Check/replace cable to wheelchair, and / or check / replace sensor cable (if available), or replace PCB
3 Power supply Check cable and/or replace PCB
4 Joystick/sensor fault Check/replace joystick
5 - -
6 ADC - internal Analog to Digital converter Replace PCB
7 Test flag failed or Diagnostic failed Redo tests and/or replace PCB
8 CPU fault Replace PCB
9 Scheduler fault Update software or replace PCB
10 Coding error Update software or replace PCB

Fault log


A fault log with counters is maintained. The fault log can be accessed by the configurator (dealer level). Below is an overview of registered faults.

Fault Reason Required action
CPU error RAM CPU consistency check failed Contact mo-vis
Run error scheduler Firmware consistency check failed Contact mo-vis
Code error framework
Code error application
MSP command corrupt Corrupt command was received Connection with the PC went wrong, try again
MSP command unknown Unknown command was received Connection with the PC went wrong. Update firmware (contact mo-vis) or update the Configurator Software. Try again.
MSP sub command unknown Unknown sub command was received
MSP argument invalid Invalid argument received
MSP device not ready Device was not ready to receive an MSP command Connection with the PC went wrong. Update firmware (contact mo-vis) or update the Configurator Software. Try again.
MSP device wrong state The device is not able to receive a command in the current device
PCB test failed Factory test failed Contact mo-vis
Assembly test failed
Field test failed Field test failed (calibration)
Test flag check One or more test flags not set Redo tests and/or contact mo-vis
ADC ADC conversion error Check/replace Omni cable (only authorized dealers) or contact mo-vis
Output The Omni outputs are out of spec.
Reference The Omni reference is out of spec.
Communication Communication with the sensor (joystick) failed Check cable to sensor and/or replace sensor (only authorized dealers) or contact mo-vis
Sensor (joystick) The sensor (joystick) is faulty
Accelerometer The accelerometer fails Contact mo-vis